Monday, November 12, 2012


Whiskers are called Barbels

Catfish culture
1.     global catfish production = 980,000mt just over 3% of the annual global fihs production of 28,200,000mt
2.     US – channel catfish lctalurus punctatus; > 300,000mt =31% of the global catfish production
3.     An important US aquaculture industry = 47% of all the US fish aquaculture production (2004 farm gate sales estimated to be ~440 million dollars)

A walking catfish (clarius batrachus) – does it have legs?
1.     Invasive potential very high
2.     Native to Asia

The U.S. Catfish Industry
Mississippi top producer 75% followed by Arkansas
US catfish production is centered in the Mississippi Delta

Catfish life cycle

Fertiziled Egg > Larva (absorb yolk) > Fingerling > stock size (harvest in 1-2 years)

Catfish reproduction
1.     spawn once a year in the spring
2.     For reliable spawning, broodifhs should be >3lbs. in size and > 3 years of age
3.     Channel catfish weighing between 4-8 lbs are prime spawners
4.     Females produce 3000-4000 eggs/per lb of weight and continue producting for about 12 years
5.     Fish larger than 10lbs are difficult to handle and thus are replaced by younger fish
6.     Commercial fingerling producers use male/female ratios of 2:3 or 1:2 in spawning ponds

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