Monday, October 8, 2012

Food's Forklore

 3. Forklore: Never eat pork away from home
            - Undercooked pork can contain a parasite called trichinosis (also found in pork, bear, rat, fox, dog, wolf, horse, seal, or walrus)
4. Forklore: Honey in baby formula is a safe natural sweetener
            -Botulinum spres are found in honey
            -Adults who eat these spores are almost never affected
            -Infants eat spores the spores can germinate in their immature gastrointestinal tracts (SIDS)
5. Forklore: Only certain people cry when cutting onions
            -only people with eyes will cry so everyone
            - sulfur are absorbed by the onion in the soil
            -Sulfenic acid are released when the onions cells are broken (Lachrymators)
            - Lachrymators combine with water to form sulfuric acid
            - The eye produce tears to wash the acid out of your eye.
6.  Forklore: Refine sugar is empty calories and poisons the body
            - Carbohydrates causes obesity and insulin resistance in the United States
            -It’s empty calories, and may influence insulin resistance however it is certainly NOT poisonous. (At normal doses)
7. Forklore: You can get high on nutmeg
            -Yes, nutmeg contains a hallucinogenic compound called myristicin
8. Garlin will protect you from disease
            -Garlic was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, chewed by greek Olympian athletes and thought to be essential for keeping Vampires (mosquitos) at bay.
            -Scientists have identified a potent antimicrobial ingredient in garlic call Allicin
            -Allicin is also protective in cardiovascular disease
9: Forklore: Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs
            -No, white leghorn chickens lay whites eggs
            -Brown eggs are breeds such as barred Rock and Rhode Island Red
10: Eating raw oysters has strong aphrodisiac effects
            -Oysters contain 2 unusual amino acids, D-aspartic acid (D-ASP) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). These amino acids can cause increased production of testerone. (Ans: maybe)
11: Forklore: Irradiate foods contain residual radioactivity
            -Ionizing radiation kills bacteria and parasites that would otherwise cause foodborne disease but it passes though the food
12 Forklore: Brown rice is more nutritious than white polished rice
            -Brown rice contains the bran and germ layers, which are rich in nutrients
            -White rice is milled and polished so these layers and nutrients are removed
13: ForkLore: Kosher salt has been blessed by a rabbi
14 Forklore: Pasteurizing milk destroys all the vitamins, calcium, phosphorous and enzymes
15 Forklore: Green potatoes can be poisonous
            -When potatoes are exposed to sunlight they produce poisonous compounds called alka loids
            -Store potatoes in the dark, and cut away green areas
16: Forklore: Cooking meat on a BBQ causes the formation of carcinogens
            -no clear evidence BBQ meats cause cancer
17 Forklore: Chocolate is a health food
            -Chocolate does contain antioxidant but unclear on its effect
18 Forklore: drinking gin prevents malaria
19 Forklore: Drinking red wine prevents heart attack
            -Don’t know for sure

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